Terms and Conditions


Registration for a course or workshop at Ella’s Fellas is binding. The course costs will not be reimbursed if the course participant fails to attend or ends a course early. Exceptions to this are hindrance through illness or accidents which can be documented with a doctor’s certificate. In this case, the remaining lessons of the course period will be refunded. Individual lessons cannot be refunded.



Implementation of dance courses

The implementation of dance courses and workshops depends on the number of registrations. A course can be canceled by email at least 2 days before the start of the course. Course fees that have already been paid will be reimbursed or, with the consent of the registered person, offset against another course fee.


Automatic registration for a follow-up course

We want to keep your and our administrative effort as small as possible, which is why you will automatically be registered for a follow-up course, if it takes place. If you do not want to take part in a follow-up course, you can unsubscribe before the course starts by sending an email to info@ellasfellas.ch. We will remind you of a registration for a follow-up course 2 weeks before the start of the course.

(only applies to weekly courses)



Liability and Insurance

Ella’s Fellas assumes no liability and insurance is the responsibility of the course participants.

By registering for a course or a workshop, the participant agrees to the General Terms and Conditions of Ella’s Fellas.

As at 11.09.2021