Code of Conduct for a Safer Space
The Ella’s Fellas team is committed to creating a space where everyone feels welcome, and no form of discrimination is tolerated.
Therefore, all participants in courses and events, teachers, volunteers, and staff are required to agree to the following Code of Conduct.
Inclusion and Diversity
We want everyone to feel comfortable and enjoy our courses, workshops, and social dances. That is why we do not tolerate any discrimination based on ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, body shape, age, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, dance experience, or religion. If you experience or witness discrimination, follow the steps outlined in the Action Plan at the end of this Code of Conduct.
Individual needs: Please communicate your individual needs to help us create a safer space for everyone.
Dance roles: Leader and follower roles are not tied to any gender, and you should always ask about a person’s preferred role at the beginning of a dance instead of assuming their role.
Consent is essential in dancing and all interactions. Only “Yes” means “Yes” in physical interactions.
If you wish to dance with someone, ask for their consent first. This also applies if the person is already dancing alone. While we encourage everyone to dance with others, declining a dance is always acceptable and does not require any justification.
Accept a “No” without asking for an explanation. There is no obligation to complete a specific number of dances, and an uncomfortable dance can be ended at any time.
Aerials and deep dips are not allowed during social dances. Aerials are permitted in jam circles only if both partners have practiced them beforehand, can perform them safely, and have mutually agreed to do them. Do not force any movement or dance position (e.g., close body contact), and always give your partner the option to exit a position.
Consent in dance classes: Partner rotation is a part of our classes. If any movement or position feels uncomfortable, communicate this to your partner. If you are unsure about your partner’s comfort, ask them.
Respect, Appreciation, and Care
Treat yourself and others with respect and appreciation.
Self-care: Maintain good personal hygiene. Change sweaty clothes, use deodorant, and bring a towel if needed. Deodorant and chewing gum are available in the studio. Take breaks, stay hydrated, and avoid movements that cause pain.
Be mindful of your surroundings and considerate of others on the dance floor. Be aware of the space around you and show consideration for others.
If you attend a course, regular participation supports your learning curve, contributes to a good class balance, and strengthens group cohesion.
Feedback Culture
Do not give any unsolicited feedback, whether in classes, workshops, or social dances. An exception applies if someone’s behavior crosses your boundaries or makes you uncomfortable; you may communicate this at any time. You can also seek assistance from teachers or organizers to resolve the situation.
If you are told that your behavior has crossed someone’s boundaries or made them uncomfortable, accept this feedback without explanation or justification.
Actively requesting feedback in classes: If you would like feedback during the dance class from your teachers or dance partners, actively ask for it.
Cultural Appreciation
Cultural Appreciation: Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz are African American dances, and we are committed to honoring and appreciating their cultural heritage. We expect the same from you. If you have any questions or need any resources, feel free to reach out to our team.
Drugs and Alcohol
Responsible consumption: Please attend events in a state that allows respectful and responsible behavior. This includes avoiding excessive alcohol consumption or the use of other substances. Your head should be clear, so you don’t endanger or harass others. Reckless behavior will not be tolerated and will result in exclusion from the event.
Action Plan
If you experience or witness a violation of the Code of Conduct, please speak with a member of the Ella’s Fellas team or your teachers. You can also reach us via or anonymously through this Google form. We will process your inquiry within a few working days. The Ella’s Fellas team takes all complaints seriously and handles them with strict confidentiality.
We reserve the right to exclude participants from courses and events without a refund for violations of this Code of Conduct.
In cases of legal violations, we encourage affected individuals to report the matter to the appropriate authorities.